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The signature event of the McKinley year, Harvest Festival brings the community together for two evenings of games, rides, food, performances and our famous Haunted House!  Thank you in advance for you help making this year's event a success.  


Please note the following expectations during your shift:

1.  Please refrain from cell phone use if possible! 

2.  Please engage. This festival is such a special event for our most important attendees - the kids!

3.  Please keep everyone honest!  We want to encourage good sportsmanship and an honest environment at our festival (i.e. accurate candy distribution, etc.).

4.  Safety is our goal!  Please ask for help if you need it. 


**If you need help, please look for our security team and event leaders with "Event Staff" badges.**




Set Up and Clean Up

Help set-up inside (Haunted House, Little Boo’s) and outside (goblin golf, games, tents, lights, etc). Tear down the festival, clean up the campus.

Haunted House

Lobby (manage the lobby, collect punches), Tour Guide, Tour Safety, Exterior Line, Scarer (6th-8th grade+).

Haunted House Scarers, Carnival Game Student Volunteers

Responsible middle and high school volunteers to be scarers in the Haunted House and to run the carnival games. Sixth grade and older please. (Link opens external Sign-up Genius page.)

Little Boos

(scroll down)

Collect punches, give candy/treats, "usher" to keep the flow, and be a party person/floater.


Help cook or serve food or drinks.

Sweet Shoppe

Help set up and sell candy and other sweet treats.

Sweet Shoppe Item Donations

Help by providing baked goods and sweet treats!


Collect punches, supervise games, hand out tickets and candy. Exchange tickets won from the games for prizes.


Collect punches, monitor rides, assist riders.

McKinley Wear &

Glow Booth

Sell McKinley Spirit Wear and glow accessories.

Facility Team

Help with trash and recycling.




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